Words by EJ Guajardo
Art By Claudia Tong
Hi! My name is EJ and I want to change the world … by helping you with your finances!
Sometimes in my head, I swear I must sound like that at my job. How horrid and not connected! When we deal with finances, we have to be connected to ourselves or else lose a hold on the reins of EVERYTHING! Emotions and our finances intertwine. That’s the reality. That’s life. Money can make you happy. Money can drive you to the edge of sanity.
I have a lot of information about starting with a budget, about income, expenses, and how much you really spend at Dollar Tree. That’s my job, and I love sharing with my participants the knowledge and skills I have, and watching how they make it work for themselves.
After working with many in the community, here’s what I have learned and the one thing I want to pass on.
Is it more time with your children? Or the ability to travel? Is it shopping local to benefit the community? Or to just get the lowest price available?
A lot of us have forgotten, and said out loud, what do we really value for the person?