The Skies Cry Here Too
Erika Grijalva Erika Grijalva

The Skies Cry Here Too

Abuelita snuggled closer to Lorena placing her chin to rest lightly on the top of her head and said, “Cuando ya no me puedas ver, cierra los ojos, que siempre me podrás encontrar por la noche cantando en coro con los coquis.”

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Emotional Magic When the World is Shaking
Erika Grijalva Erika Grijalva

Emotional Magic When the World is Shaking

The more healing I’ve done, and the more my spirituality is rooted in the land, in this earth, the more that I believe that our spirituality, our healing, is vital for our social and environmental justice healing.

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Panocha Zine Panocha Zine


Love in the present
every day on Earth a gift
our divine sacred.

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Louvações Cotidianas
Erika Grijalva Erika Grijalva

Louvações Cotidianas

I am a body
that praises
Praises the Holy of Christianity
And also praises Protestantism
Buddhism comes to cherish the spirit

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Erika Grijalva Erika Grijalva


These are my favorite kick-ass female saints. The Catholic church celebrates (some of) these fierce female saints for their self-abnegation but I prefer to draw strength from their determination. I hope that their stories inspire the subversive wonder woman in all of us.

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Healing Body and Soul
Panocha Zine Panocha Zine

Healing Body and Soul

Erika Buenaflor is a modern-day curandera who utilizes her vast experience in curanderismo, and knowledge of ancient Mesoamerican shamanism to reveal how this sacred wisdom can help people heal holistically. She’s published several books on curanderismo and is the founder of Realize Your Bliss.

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Erika Grijalva Erika Grijalva


Mi tela divina.
Protegiendo me con
amor, estilo y sabiduría.
The sacred tapestry on the
divine playground
of my ofrenda.

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Yemaya y Ochún
Panocha Zine Panocha Zine

Yemaya y Ochún

Ochún espejo de las montañas
Hogar a delfines rosados, hipopótamos y serpientes

Yemayá espejo de la luna
Dueña de la marea, ruta de la ballena

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Finding Faith, Spirituality, and Inner Healing Through Ancestral Knowledge
Panocha Zine Panocha Zine

Finding Faith, Spirituality, and Inner Healing Through Ancestral Knowledge

I was stunned. For years, I yearned to feel the presence of my abuelitos again. I have deeply missed their soothing energy and the wisdom they carried in their bones. I’ve always suspected I have intuitive abilities. But I hadn’t known what getting a message from my ancestors felt like in practice. Not until this moment.

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