O Fruto

Words by Jacqueline Sampio
Art by Coco Ma

O pé, raizA veia, caule
A mão, folhaA boca, flor
Certa vez estive doente
Os ancestrais me benzeram
Trocaram meu sangue por um banho de ervas
E meu espirito se elevou como dos indígenas da ilha, minha bisavó
Curaram a doença do corpo
Curam a doença da alma quando necessito
O banho que acalenta
E me conecta
A um tempo
Onde a natureza era eu
E eu a natureza
E nenhum mal branco me acometia

Foot, rootVein, stem
Hand, leafthe mouth, flower
One time I was sick
The ancestors blessed me
They traded my blood for an herbal bath
And my spirit soared like the natives of the island, my great-grandmother
Healed the disease of the body
Heal the disease of the soul when I need it
The bath that soothes
and connects me
Some time ago
where nature was meand I was nature
And no white evil afflicted me


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