Words and photo by Tina Martinez
My real-life Wonder Woman is my mother Gloria G Martinez. This lady raised two girls as a single mother with the help of my beautiful grandparents. She never once complained or let us know that we did struggle from time to time. Growing up, she always taught us that hard work pays off, to never give up, and that family is everything. Fast forward to me being 23 and having my first child. Watching her become a grandmother filled my heart and was the best gift I could gift her.
“Fight after fight after fight my Wonder Woman is still standing”
In April of 2016, that’s when she became the real-life Wonder Woman, being diagnosed with colon cancer turned our lives upside down but it also brought us closer together. In December of 2017, I was stuck in a job I hated and I was ready to throw in the towel. My mom encouraged me to quit and start my own business. I couldn’t financially just quit and here came Wonder Woman to the rescue. She helped me start my business in spite of everything she was going through, she was still my biggest supporter. Four years later I’m still in business and grateful for her telling me “Just do it, I know you can.”
Through chemo treatments, surgeries, hospital visits, doctor’s appointments, and so on, she hasn’t given up. Fight after fight after fight, my Wonder Woman is still standing. God has blessed me with the best mom I could have ever asked for. No matter how sick she's feeling, she has been there for me, my sister, and my son.
Thank you for everything MY WONDER WOMAN!